Why I Give: Terra & Don Brimberry

I’m Terra Brimberry, and I have had the pleasure of serving on the ANC board for about 4 years now. I know talking about money in church spaces can be triggering to some of us, but I believe it’s important. Not just because it supports what we do as a faith community but also for what giving does to transform us as individuals.

We are a family, and healthy families are transparent and honest about what they need. So transparency is what you are going to get from the ANC board and staff, starting with me.

It should be no surprise to anyone, that it takes money to keep a church functioning – to keep the doors open, to serve the community, to pay the staff…. It can’t be done without money – pure and simple.

Here’s why Don and I give to ANC.

We give because ANC is our family, and we believe in supporting family.

We also believe in the importance of having an inclusive, progressive faith community in Austin and want to do all we can to make sure this church is providing an open table for all who need it for generations to come.

That is why we give, and I encourage you to ask yourself why you give, or maybe why you should give.

When you give to ANC, you support the future of inclusive, progressive faith communities, and God knows we need that here in Austin, Texas and around the world.


Why I Give: Dustin & Christina Hite