living generously.

a blog from ANCers.

Contributor Bios

Terra Brimberry

Terra and her husband, Don, came to ANC in 2018 after searching for a church family that had an expansive table for all to join.  She has always been active in a local church and grew up as an MK (Missionary Kid) in Seoul, Korea, and then a PK (Preacher’s Kid) in West Texas.  In spite of their more conservative background, her parents taught her the true meaning of God's grace and instilled in her a love for people, a passion for equality, and a heart for hospitality. Terra has two wonderful adult children and an amazing son-in-law.  She started her career as a Social Worker, and now works in Account Management for a software company.

Christina Hite

Dustin & Christina Hite along with their two daughters, immediately joined ANC when they moved to Austin in 2020 to be intentional neighbors at Community First! Village. They live in a cozy 399 sq ft home and have a passion for creating spaces of healing and belonging. The Hites lead A Faithful Presence, a small non-profit that sustains the trauma-informed, Jesus-centered neighboring they get to do. Christina works part-time as Communications Specialist for Foster Village, a local nonprofit that serves families experiencing foster care, and Dustin is a trained spiritual director, as well as a volunteer chaplain at the county jail. Before coming to ANC, Dustin & Christina co-pastored a small, progressive, interdenominational church in Peoria, IL.