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Monthly Artist's Way Hang

  • 04 Center 2701 South Lamar Boulevard Austin, TX, 78704 United States (map)

WHO: If you’re--
*Seeking more creativity
*Curious what the creative process looks like for others
*Wanting to create in a shared space
*Wondering what this “artist’s way” concept even is

WHEN: Sunday, April 13th 1-3pm & each second Sunday in 2025

WHERE: Austin New Church / the 04 Center, 2701 South Lamar - meet in the foyer to the right of the entrance. 

*Bring your supplies to start something new or continue a work in progress. 
*The room is available till 3pm, but feel free to come & go as needed.
*We will have conversation prompts each month based on one of the 12 chapters of Julia Cameron’s book. You can join in as your interest leads you.
*If you’re attending church in person, feel free to bring a sack lunch and hang out between worship and art, or grab something and come back at any time.


Sue Kratochvil - 512.922.4656 -

April 13

Virtual Foyer

April 13

Sunday Supper - South